3 Tips For Moving Sustainably

3 Tips For Moving Sustainably

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3 Tips for Moving Sustainably

Everything counts when it comes to sustainability. While moving is an inevitable part of life, there are ways to make it a more eco-conscious event. Every effort towards eco-friendliness helps us all. Moving sustainably means limiting your carbon footprint and generating less waste for overflowing landfills. Here are three tips from Polmark Moving Company to help you move sustainably.
Tip 1.Downsize Before You Move
For most people, moving signals a fresh start. It may be a little tempting to just start tossing all your things into boxes and getting it done. But that will mean you’ll spend a lot of time organizing once you get to your destination. You may end up tossing a lot of items that won’t work for you or in your new home.

Downsizing before you move provides lots of benefits. You have a chance to organize everything before you go and leaving behind items that are outdated or no longer used or needed. There are plenty of ways to downsize your items as part of moving sustainably. For instance:

  • Throw away or recycle unusable items
  • Donate gently-used things to local charities
  • Give items to neighbors or friends
  • Have a garage sale before the big move

By paring down your possessions, you prepare for a lighter, more organized moving experience. Ultimately, you will use less energy, fewer packing materials, less gas, and reduce your carbon footprint by just moving necessary items.


Tip 2.Choose Eco-friendly Habits and Packing Supplies

There are a lot of packing supplies and options for moving sustainably. Ultimately, it comes down to how you pack your items.


  • Don’t Use Packing Peanuts. Styrofoam packing peanuts, bubble wrap, and plastic wrap are both poor choices when it comes to the environment. These are single-use products that contribute to large amounts of moving waste. Use biodegradable options like newspapers instead. You can also use clothing and other soft items for cushioning more fragile items.
  • Use Reusable Boxes. Cardboard is recyclable making it a more sustainable option. Using used boxes is one option. They can afterward be used again or recycled. You can also use bags, suitcases, or totes you have on hand.
  • Pack Your Kitchen Last. You may not have thought of this, but if you pack your kitchen first you may have to rely on plastic cups and paper plates for a few days. Pack it last to create a little waste as possible.

Tip 3.Hire Moving Professionals Who Care About the Environment

There are a lot of things that make great DIY projects but moving isn’t necessarily one of them. You are likely to need help with some part of the moving process. Hire a moving company who values sustainability. They may use greener vehicles, choose routes that have less impact on the environment, reduce idling time, and drive in environmentally conscious ways.

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